Thursday, March 24, 2016



I'm a mother of 2 and we have a good and busy routine to keep ourselves entertained so that we can nap in the afternoon. When I say "we," I'm actually talking about my 2 year old (3 in April) sassy daughter of mine. She loves to keep busy and will always choose to be out of the house and explore. Very different from her mother whom is a serious homebody and would like nothing more than to sit all day long watching a box.

These past few months, I'd been feeling so fatigued, weak, and just not myself. I do feel tired all of the time because that's motherhood, but this feeling was different than normal "mommyhood" tiredness. I thought maybe postpartum depression was hitting me. My son was, in fact, only 5 months at the time. However, having been diagnosed with depression when I was 19, I knew this wasn't my problem. So part of my reason to get back on the fitness train was this tired feeling. I wanted to feel energized again.

I went back to the gym January 18th 2016, when my son was 6 months and 1 day. Those first two weeks were wonderful. It was like a breath of fresh air... It was nice to have up to 2 hours by myself and an uninterrupted shower after a good lifting/ cardio day. I was all about eating better. Having that spinach salad for lunch, hardboiled egg and some quinoa for breakfast, taking fish oil, flaxseed oil, Vit D, magnesium, biotin, prenatal, etc. I was pretty disciplined.

Then I was back to feeling the same fatigue and my energy lacked even more. I've had to drag myself to the gym since. I go 4 times a week, sometimes 5 (depends on the kids) and it's always a struggle to get up and out of the house.

Last week I went to the doctor to see about running some blood tests; maybe I was anemic... or I had thyroid issues. I stepped up onto the scale and was alarmed at just how much weight I've lost. I'm back to pre-pregnancy, pre-wedding, and almost pre-high school weight.

My blood tests came back normal.

And that's where this comes into play:

I am a mother of 2. I am still breastfeeding. I am up multiple times a night and my every day schedule is hectic. I am tired.

I have also been inadvertently starving myself. Oh my goodness! 

If my son gets 19-30 ounces of breast milk, that's up to 600 calories I've burned. I also burn at least 200 calories each gym visit. 

It's not all about the exercise. It's also about NUTRITION!!! Because my schedule was so busy with these kids, I put my nutrition on the back burner and even though I ate good food, I wasn't eating nearly enough or as often as I needed. So, with this reality check, I'm not only making sure I increase my strength with weights and reps, but also with food!

So with that, I remind you to refuel! Keep drinking water. Make sure you aren't burning yourself out. Alright, that's all for me, time to eat again ;)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Yesterday's Home Day

Yesterday marked another day where the gym was a no-go. We woke up bright and early, all smiling and laughing... while Mama made her coffee and forced her eyes open with toothpicks.

We had a great play-date (too short, but it was nice to have visitors) and baby got a very long nap in. This made life a bit easier.

So, I have made the best of staying home. I cleaned up the 2 year old's room, which was extremely stupid because who in their right mind cleans a toddler's room in the morning?? RIGHT? After she fell asleep last night, I went back in and cleaned again.

Throughout the day I got some work outs in. In addition to my scheduled work outs, I'm also doing the 30 day squat challenge. And I'm actually following it!! Whoot whoot!

Day 9 was yesterday and today is Rest day!
Sumo-Reaching Squats (20 reps each)

Yesterday's schedule involved Chest, Triceps, and Lats.

Jog or Bike 5 min warm-up
Push-ups: 5 sets of 7 reps
Triceps: Overhead triceps extension 3 sets of 12-15 reps (10 lbs)
Lats: Lat Pull Down 3 sets of 12-15 reps (60 lbs)

Because I did not have a machine to do Lats, I went in on my day off and ran for a few minutes and then fulfilled my lat work out. I also did Triceps because my two year old kept making me laugh when I was trying to work those yesterday. I took a long time stretching afterwards and got in a nice hot shower. 

Yes, short day at the gym, but it was so good to get some alone time and know that I spent it strengthening my body and recharging. It's good therapy ;)